fuh... fuh... tiup sket sawang2 nih.. bukan laman sesawang ye.. huhu
xtau nk update pe...
so sekadar menulis pendek-pendek je la...
hari ni aku pun xtau la nape aku terasa begitu tensen..
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Posted by : darth one on Sunday, January 24, 2010 | Topik ini bersangkut paut dengan monolog dalaman, Nukilan | 0 Comments
Knee Injury
I'm notice i'm having this injury after seeking advise from doctor at Unit Kesihatan UiTM Malaysia. According to the doctor, i'm having a medial collateral ligament injury. This will stop me from doing any sport activities. Refer picture.
here some information about my injury.
Knee ligament injuries
Ligaments connect one bone to another. The ligaments outside your knee joint are called the medial collateral ligament and the lateral collateral ligament. They provide your knee with stability and limit the amount it can move from side to side.
- The medial collateral ligament is on the inner side of your knee and is taut when your leg is straight. It's a strong ligament but can be sprained or completely ruptured (torn) if you twist your straightened leg at the same time as being knocked sideways, for example, when being tackled in rugby.
- The lateral collateral ligament is like a thin, strong cord that runs on the outer side of your knee connecting the bottom of your thigh bone to the top of your fibula (one of the bones in your lower leg). It's not usually damaged on its own, but you may need to have it repaired if you have damaged other ligaments.
Medial and lateral collateral ligament injuries may be classed as follows:
- grade 1 is a sprain with no tearing of the ligament
- grade 2 is a partial tear of the ligament
- grade 3 is a complete tear of the ligament
The ligaments inside your knee joint are called the anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior cruciate ligament. Cruciate means in the form of a cross - the anterior cruciate ligament crosses over in front of the posterior cruciate ligament. These ligaments provide stability to your knee, when it is in different positions, particularly in the forward and backward movements of the knee joint.
Causes of knee injuries
You may injure your knee if:
- it receives an impact or is moved beyond its usual range of movement, for example if you have a fall or land awkwardly
- you play a sport that combines running, jumping and stopping with quick changes of direction, such as football
- you have a condition such as osteoarthritis or gout, or are very overweight
- your knees hit the dashboard in a car accident - posterior cruciate ligament damage is sometimes called the 'dashboard injury' as this is often how it occurs
Treatment of knee injuries
The treatment you will receive will depend on what damage you have done and how bad the damage is.
Self help
You should follow the PRICE procedure to manage any type of soft tissue injury to your knee. PRICE stands for the following.
- Protection. Protect your injury from further harm.
- Rest. Rest the injury for the first two to three days, then reintroduce movement so you don't lose too much muscle strength.
- Ice. Apply a cold compress such as ice or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel to help reduce swelling and bruising. Don't apply ice directly to your skin as it can damage your skin.
- Compression. Compress the joint by bandaging it to support the injury and help decrease swelling.
- Elevation. Elevate your knee by resting it above the level of your heart and keep it supported.
There are certain things you should not do in the first three days after your injury to avoid doing further damage to your knee. These can be remembered as HARM.
- Heat. This includes having a hot bath or using a heat pack.
- Alcohol. Drinking alcohol can increase bleeding and swelling in the affected area.
- Running or other forms of exercise.
- Massaging the injured knee. This can cause more swelling or bleeding.
You may need to use crutches or wear a brace to make sure that you keep weight off the affected knee.
Prevention of knee injuries
There are some precautions you can take to try to reduce the risk of damaging your knee ligaments.
- Exercise regularly to maintain a good level of fitness. This will mean your muscles are stronger and better able to support your joints, including your knees. If you haven't been active for a while, start gently and gradually increase the intensity.
- Spend five to 10 minutes warming up before exercise to increase blood flow to your muscles and reduce the chance of an injury. Many sports professionals advise stretching your muscles after warming up and again after cooling down; however the benefit of stretching before or after exercise is unproven.
Posted by : darth one on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | Topik ini bersangkut paut dengan makluman/informasi, Nukilan, peristiwa | 0 Comments
kemaskini II
setelah sebulan lebih, aku membuat semakan berat badan.
berat terkini: 64.3kg
menurun lagi sebanyak 0.7kg.
kurusnya daku.
Posted by : darth one on Thursday, January 7, 2010 | Topik ini bersangkut paut dengan makluman/informasi, monolog dalaman, peristiwa | 0 Comments
Media; Isu dan Permainan Isu
hari ini, isu yang kebanyakan daripada kita tidak menyedarinya sejak dari tarikh 01.01.10. tatkala ramai yang asyik dengan countdown tahun baru, mereka tidak sedar harga gula juga akan naik. hari ini aku malas nak mengupas kenaikan harga gula daripada RM1.45 ke RM1.65 per kg. Hari ini aku nak mengupas bagaimana media massa mengalih penumpuan isu-isu semasa lalu mengaburi mata kita, rakyat.
hari demi hari aku menonton televisyen arus perdana Malaysia (ASTRO xde, so terpaksa la menghadap apa yang ada). jadi secara tidak langsung aku pun menumpukan deria penglihatan dan pendengaran mengenai isu-isu yang sering bermain di kaca tv.
mengapa aku pilih mengupas media? apa perkaitan isu dan apa itu permainan isu? jawapannya, saja. bosan pula tiada kelas petang Khamis ni. huhu.
td baru sahaja berlalu berita pilihan ramai (aku yakin ramai yang xsuka tgk berita, bosan) jam 1.30-2.00ptg. aku sangat tertarik ngan tag line pembaca berita tu "kurangkan pengambilan untuk kesihatan". oh, sangat klise.
cane nak mula ya? erm... dari hujung tahun 2009 hingga kini jika korang perasan isu yang salu masuk berita ialah isu gula. bermula dengan isu sakit-sakit yang berkenaan gula. tak kisah la sakit ape pon. sakit kencing manis ke, darah tinggi ke, itulah permulaan permainan isu-isu semasa. bermula dengan bercerita tentang kesan utama daripada isu.
terus peringkat kedua, timbul pula isu-isu dibelakang isu asal. contoh mudah harga gula. jika korang perasan mula-mula cerita byk sakit lepas tuh ada pula cerita pasal seludup gula. isu penyeludupan gula disempadan Thai. ini isu lapuk. isu berzaman. xkan dua tahun xboleh setel. kat peringkat ni juga perbandingan harga antara satu negara dengan negara lain. kat isu ni teringat aku dalam ucapan DSAI mengutuk kenaikan harga minyak "jangan bandingkan harga bawang di India dengan harga bawang di Malaysia. Kita import, depa eksport". setahu aku Malaysia ada ladang tebu kt Perlis tu. dan bisnes gula ni boleh dikira monopoly sebab berapa sangat la kilang gula yang ada kat Malaysia. jangan bandingkan harga gula negara yang import.
peringkat ketiga, isu sudah berlaku. masa ini isu tersebut telah diumumkan. so ada la pihak2 yang tidak puas hati. buat demo dan sebagainya. [baca; demo, bantahan] masa ini bermulalah media melabon mengenai demo dan bantahan. kononnya ada pihak yang prihatin.
peringkat keempat, bermain lagi isu demo dan bantahan serta isu diperingkat kedua. pada peringkat ini mmg biasanya media masa akan mainkan isu ini dan ia dapat menyurutkan perhatian kita kerana sudah bosan dengan isu demo, bantah dsb.
peringkat terakhir, tiada berita lagi mengenai isu utama. mungkin ada sikit-sikit berita kecil. kita dah buat xport. buat dunno.
kesimpulannya, media massa memang kaki melabon bagi memastikan kita tidak mendapat berita sepenuhnya serta dapat bertindak dengan cara dan saluran yang betul. apa kata korang?
Posted by : darth one on | Topik ini bersangkut paut dengan isu semasa, makluman/informasi, monolog dalaman, Nukilan, peristiwa | 0 Comments